Getting the Professional Edge Studying Latin America and the Caribbean

Monday, March 21, 2016
12:20 PM - 1:35 PM (ET)
DMF Auditorium (1st floor)
Event Type
Dr. Allyson Ferrante
(508) 531-2240
Academic Affairs

As the keynote address to our Latin American and Caribbean Studies Carnival Week of events, we are thrilled to have Dr. Angelica Pinna-Perez speak to us about the many professional advantages of studying the cultures, politics, histories, and languages of Latin America and the Caribbean in one's undergraduate and graduate careers.  Dr. Pinna-Perez is an Assistant Professor of Expressive Arts Therapies at Lesley University in Cambridge, who has worked both domestically and abroad as a creative arts therapist, actor/ creator, psychotherapist, and social action activist. Everyone is welcome to join what will no doubt be an inspiring, helpful, and illuminating talk for the whole BSU community.

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